Planets and Energies

This singular phrase, which was inscribed upon the Emerald Tablet in cryptic wording by Hermes Trismegistus embraces the entire system of traditional and modern magic. The significance of this expression is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic are claimed to function by this formula, stating that Macrocosmos is the same as Microcosmos.

 "As above so below and as below so above."

These large celestial bodies are right above us and influence our personalities and lives in the direct and very inquisitive way. The positions of the planets at the moment of one's birth have direct impact on the life of that individual. In the world built of energy and only separated by the rate of vibration and underlying frequency, the energy and the character of each planet hold direct correspondence with our bodies and lives.

The planets in our solar system are all making their ways around the sun and absorb solar energy. Each celestial body absorbs the amount of the energy based on its characteristics and requirements; further, each planet radiates excess. Earth too absorbs the energy from the sun in addition to the energies released by other planets in the galaxy. We are the residents of planet Earth and, therefore, absorb and feel these energies within our bodies and minds.

We are energetic beings (yes, matter is a form of dense energy), and we carry an energetic imprint of the planets above us in the form of our character and personality. DNA is our biological imprint; nonetheless, we all carry an energetic watermark that defines the overall personality as well as one's strengths and weaknesses. Parents, society and cultural standards heavily influence this initial inscription of energetic map that we are born with; however, the tendencies, talents and shortcuts to reaching personal goals and dreams remain.

Through the understanding of the underlying energies of the initial energetic imprint and learning to balance the current energies within the body, one can align with his/her highest potential and live a happier and more fulfilling life. One can find the source of strength and power and learn to reprogram his/her fears and insecurities into ambitions and goals. Our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world ("as within so without"). Happiness begins with personal transformation!